Come To Daddy On An Inside Straight

Underground tanks that hold a stew of toxic, radioactive waste at the nation’s most contaminated nuclear site pose a possible risk of explosion, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board said.
State and federal officials have long known that hydrogen gas could build up inside the tanks at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation , leading to an explosion that would release radioactive material.
In addition to the leaks, the board noted concerns about the potential for hydrogen gas buildup within a tank, in particular those with a double wall, which contain deadly waste that was previously pumped out of the leaking single-shell tanks.
--Associated Press ...4/2/13

They've discovered
how to turn
excess body fat
into gold, he said,
in a sudden blur
of coherence.
You're kidding.
Oh yes, he said,
no, he corrected himself,
they have.
He rounded
on the doubting
part of his audience,
which was all of it,
and so it took
a little while to
round on it completely.
Have you been to California?
he demanded.
Do you know
the sort of stuff
they do there?
Three members
of his audience
said they had and that
he was talking nonsense.
You haven't seen anything,
insisted Arthur.
Oh yes, he added,
because someone
was offering
to buy another round.
--Douglas Adams
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Grateful Dead: Loser ...8/4/76
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