American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

It Remains The Same

The Lone Ranger, Ishmael, Robinson Crusoe, and Hawkeye stood in the parking lot of the Blossom Lodge. Beyond the concrete and the asphalt and the cars, beneath the deep curve of the sky, the prairies waited.
“Good morning,” shouted the Lone Ranger.
As the old Indians watched, the universe gently tilted and the edge of the world danced in light.
“Ah,” said Hawkeye. “It is beautiful.”
In the east the sky softened and the sun broke free and the day rolled over and took a breath.
“Okay,” said the Lone Ranger. “Did Coyote turn on the light?”
“Yes,” said Robinson Crusoe. “I believe he did.”
“Are we ready?” Asked Ishmael.
The light ran west, flowing through the coulees and down the cutbacks and into the river. In the distance, a start settled on the horizon and waited.
“Yes,” said the Lone Ranger, “it is time to begin. It is time we got started.”

Mark Knopfler: Coyote

“Look,” said Robinson Crusoe. “The grass.”
“Look,” said Hawkeye. “The light.”
The clouds had moved away from the mountains, opening a path to the sky. From where they sat, the old Indians and Coyote watched the prairies lean away and turn blue and green and gold as the edges of sunlight touched the storm. It was as if a bright fire had sprung up in the deep grass, running before the wind, setting the world ablaze with color.
“How beautiful it was,” said the Lone Ranger.
“Yes,” said Ishmael. “How beautiful it is.”
“It is ever changing,” said Robinson Crusoe.
“It remains the same,” said Hawkeye.

--Thomas King
Green Grass, Running Water

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