Too Quickly I Am Gone

I am one of you and being one of you
Is being and knowing what I am and know.
Yet I am the necessary angel of earth,
Since, in my sight, you see the earth again,
Cleared of its stiff and stubborn, man-locked set
And, in my hearing, you hear its tragic drone
Rise liquidly in liquid lingerings,
Like watery words awash; like meanings said
By repetitions of half-meanings. Am I not,
Myself, only half a figure of a sort,
A figure half seen, or seen for a moment, a man
Of the mind, an apparition appareled in
Apparels of such lightest look that a turn
Of my shoulders and quickly, too quickly, I am gone?
--Wallace Stevens (from "Angel Surrounded by Paysans")
Angels Gate, Thor Temple and Wotans Throne (top)
Holy Grail Temple with King Arthur and Guinevere Castles (middle)
south rim from Cremation Canyon (below)
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