American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Thursday, May 21, 2009

And Hear The Tale The Blackbird Tells

Busque muy en hora buena
el mercader nuevos soles;
yo conchas y caracoles
entre la menuda arena,
escuchando a Filomena
sobre el chopo de la fuente.*
--Luis de Góngora (1561--1627)

*Let merchants traverse seas and lands
For silver mines and golden sands;
Whilst I beside some shadowy rill
Just where its bubbling fountain swells,
Do sit and gather stones and shells
And hear the tale the blackbird tells.

Guest Artist Alert: Three from The Rascal Collection:
south rim storm from outside Hance Canyon (top)
looking north from Cottonwood Canyon (middle)
ravens at rest (below)

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