Ledges From Which The Gods Might Quarry Mountains

William Henry Holmes : Grand Canyon at the Foot of Toroweap Looking East" 1882 (top)
Hiroshi Yoshida : "Grand Canyon Woodcut" 1924 (below)
For something more current: Webcam From Yavapai Point .
There are cliffs and ledges of rock--not such ledges as you may have seen where the quarryman splits his blocks, but ledges from which the gods might quarry mountains--and not such cliffs as you may have seen where the swallow builds its nest, but cliffs where the soaring eagle is lost to view ere he reaches the summit. Wherever we look there is but a wilderness of rocks and deep gorges where the river is lost below the cliffs. There are towers and pinnacles and ten thousand strangely carved forms in every direction, and beyond them, mountains blending with the clouds.
--John Wesley Powell
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