American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Monday, January 13, 2025

Drifting On The Wind

Peter Rowan: Like A River

...for if our life is vagabond
our memory is sedentary
and though we ourselves
rush ceaselessly forward
our recollections,
indissolubly bound
to the sites which we
have left behind us,
continue to lead a placid
and sequestered existence
among them, like those friends
whom a traveler makes
for a brief while in some town
where he is staying and whom,
leaving the town,
he is obliged to leave behind him,
because it is there that they,
who stand on the steps
of their house
to bid him good-bye,
will end their day and their life,
regardless of whether he is still with them or not,
there beside the church, looking out over the harbour,
beneath the trees of the promenade.

--Marcel Proust
Time Regained

Melody Walker / Jacob Groopman / Laurie Lewis: Like a River

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