Leave One Wolf Alive And The Sheep Are Never Safe
Mussoursky: Night on Bald Mountain..(1)
Night on Bald Mountain..(2)
Donovan: Season of the Witch
Samhain , pronounced sow-en and called Halloween today, is the ending of the Celtic year. The Celtic new year actually begins at sunset on October 31. This ritual is known as Ancestor Night or Feast of the Dead. Because the veil between the worlds is thinnest on this night, it was and is considered an excellent time for divinations. Feasts are made in remembrance of dead ancestors and as an affirmation of continuing life. A time for settling problems, throwing out old ideas and influences. This is either celebrated October 31, or the first Full Moon in Scorpio.
Walder Frey: You're wondering why I brought you all here. After all, we just had a feast. Since when does old Walder give us two feasts in a single fortnight? Well, it's no good being Lord of the Riverlands if you can't celebrate with your family, that's what I say! I've gathered every Frey who means a damn thing so that I can tell you my plans for this Great House, now that winter has come. But first...a toast!
House Frey: Aye!
Walder Frey: No more of that Dornish horse-piss!
This is the finest Arbor Gold. Proper wine for proper heroes!
House Frey: Hear, hear!
Walder Frey: Stand together!
House Frey: Stand together!
[They drink, but Walder halts his own cup inches from his lips, watching them. Kitty Frey attempts to take a cup and drink but Walder stops her.]
Walder Frey: Not you. I'm not wasting good wine on a damn woman.
[To his men] Maybe I'm not the most pleasant man, I'll admit it. But I'm proud of you lot. You're my family. The men who helped me slaughter the Starks at the Red Wedding. Yes, yes. Cheer. Brave men, all of you. Butchered a woman, pregnant with her babe. Cut the throat of a mother of five. Slaughtered your guests after inviting them into your home.
[Several of the Freys begin to cough]
Walder Frey: But...you didn't slaughter every one of the Starks. No, no...that was your mistake. You should've ripped them all out, root and stem!
[The Freys all begin choking, many of them vomiting blood and collapsing]
Walder Frey: Leave one wolf alive, and the sheep are never safe.
[As the last of the Freys collapse dead on the floor, Walder reaches up and removes his face, revealing that "he" is actually Arya Stark , who turns to Kitty Frey.]
Arya Stark: When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey.
--Game of Thrones
(season 7, episode 1)
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