American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

An Experience Of Time Zero


The alternative physics
is a physics of light.
Light is composed of photons,
which have no antiparticle.
This means that
there is no dualism
in the world of light.
The conventions
of relativity
say that time slows down
as one approaches
the speed of light,
but if one tries to imagine
the point of view
of a thing made of light,
one must realize that
what is never mentioned
is that if one moves
at the speed of light
there is no time whatsoever.
There is an experience of time zero.
The only experience of time that one can have is of a subjective time
that is created by one's own mental processes, but in relationship to the Newtonian universe there is no time whatsoever. One exists in eternity, one has become eternal. The universe is aging at a staggering rate all around one in this situation, but that is perceived as a fact of this universe--the way we perceive Newtonian physics as a fact of this universe. One has transited into the eternal mode. One is then apart from the moving image; one exists in the completion of eternity.
--Terrence McKenna

if I could I'd tell you now
there are no roads that do not bend
the days like flowers bloom and fade
and they do not come again
we"ve only got these times we're living in
we"ve only got these times we're living in

Kate Wolf : These Times We're Living In

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