American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Soft New Snows Of December

DorNel Pratt: Last Train from Poor Valley
From long ago, many place names have been preserved in poetry and passed down to us; but hillsides slide into rivers and are swept away; roads are rebuilt, and stones vanish, buried beneath earth; old trees wither, replaced by saplings; times change, generations diverge, and traces of the past are lost in uncertainty. Here, however, at a stone memorial undoubtedly a thousand years old, the ancients stood before my eyes, and I peered into their hearts. This is one of the rewards of a pilgrimage, one of the joys of being alive; forgetting the drudgery of the road, I simply wept.
--Matsuo Bashō
The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel Sketches

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