American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Monday, June 08, 2020

To Think That The Unchangeable God Can Be Changed

Perhaps some very wicked persons
will suspect that the lawgiver
is here speaking enigmatically,
when he says that the Creator
repented of having created man,
when he beheld their wickedness;
on which account he determined
to destroy the whole race.
But let those who adopt
such opinions as these know,
that they are making light of
and extenuating the offences
of these men of old time,
by reason of their own
excessive impiety;
for what can be
a greater act of wickedness
than to think that
the unchangeable God
can be changed?
--Philo of Alexandr
Volume III. On the Unchangeableness of God. On Husbandry.
Concerning Noah's Work as a Planter. On Drunkenness.
On the Prayers and Curses uttered by Noah when he became Sober.

U Roy: Soul Rebel / Rebel Version

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