American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Friday, October 18, 2019

A Mirage In A Ghost's Memory

Grateful Dead: Dark Star--Morning Dew...10/18/74

Tonight my heart weeps on behalf of my eyes
a reluctant delegation of tears
like condensation on a window
on the verge of falling

Tonight I am a ruin
a castle made of sand
The tide has come to reclaim me
I am a mirage in a ghost's memory
already gone if I was ever here

Tonight I am the blood of the rose
squeezed and pressed in a child's hand
I am the moon without the sun
My light is dimming
and the moths have taken up residence
in my stomach where the butterflies once lived
It is dark and they are hungry

Tomorrow I will keep planting flowers in my soul
Winter will pass
They will bloom and the butterflies will return

--Connor Judson Garrett

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