American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Ghost Of Electricity *

Bob Dylan: Visions of Johanna...5/27/66

Bob Dylan: Desolation Row...5/27/66

We have been led to imagine
all sorts of things
infinitely more marvelous
than the imagining of poets
and dreamers of the past.
It shows that the imagination
of nature is far, far greater
than the imagination of man.
For instance, how much
more remarkable it is
for us all to be stuck--
half of us upside down--
by a mysterious attraction,
to a spinning ball that
has been swinging in space
for billions of years,
than to be carried on
the back of an elephant
supported on a tortoise
swimming in a bottomless sea.

--Richard Feynman
What Do You Care What Other People Think?


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