American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Band Plays On

Well finish your story anyway.
Where was I?
The bubonic plague. The bulldozer was stalled by corpses.
Oh, yes. Anyway, one sleepless night I stayed up with Father while he worked. It was all we could do to find a live patient to treat. In bed after bed after bed we found dead people.
And Father started giggling, Castle continued.
He couldn't stop. He walked out into the night with his flashlight. He was still giggling. He was making the flashlight beam dance over
all the dead people stacked outside. He put his hand on my head and do you know what that marvelous man
said to me?
asked Castle.
Son, my father said to me, someday this will all be yours .
--Kurt Vonnegut
Cat's Cradle

Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool #3 : 2/15-16/13

BBC News: 3/11/13

Fairewinds Energy : Follow the Money (1)

Fairewinds Energy : Follow the Money (2)

Hiroaki Koide...3/11/13

Grateful Dead: Throwing Stones

On moonlit nights
the long, straight street
and dirty white walls,
nowhere darkened by the shadow of a tree, their peace untroubled by footsteps or a dog's bark, glimmered in the pale recession. The silent city was no more than an assemblage of huge, inert cubes, between which only the mute effigies of great men, carapaced in bronze, with their blank stone or metal faces, conjured up a sorry semblance of what the man had been. In lifeless squares and avenues these tawdry idols lorded it under the lowering sky; stolid monsters that might have personified the rule of immobility imposed on us, or, anyhow, its final aspect, that of a defunct city in which plague, stone, and darkness had effectively silenced every voice.
--Albert Camus
The Plague


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