American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Dogless Land Beyond The Stew

remember the fable
of tortoise and hare--
the one at the goal
while the other is--where?
why, back there in dreamland,
renewing his lease
of life, all his muscles
preserving the peace,
the goal and the rival
forgotten alike,
and the long fatigue
of the needless hike.
his spirit a-squat
in the grass and the dew
of the dogless land
beyond the stew,
he sleeps, like a saint
in a holy place,
a winner of all
that is good in a race.
--ambrose bierce

wandering toward Cremation Canyon
Vishnu Temple with nomads
Herself outside Clear Creek Canyon
the Inner Gorge and an admirer thereof
Grand Canyon Field Institute: Hiking Grand Canyon
wild Moose a-wading on the Escalante route
Johnny Sixpack stomping the terra
Hermit Trail gypsy with rainbow
staggering pilgrim (Ruuscal Collection)
sunset ruuminations

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