Playing In The Band

A person has all sorts of lags built into him Kesey is saying. One of the most basic is the sensory lag, the lag between the time your senses receive something and you are able to react. One-thirtieth of a second is the time it takes if you are the most alert person alive and most people are a lot slower than that.... You can't go any faster than that...
We are all doomed to spend the rest of our lives watching a movie of our lives -
we are always acting on what has just finished happening. It happened at least one-thirtiesth of a second ago. We think we are in the present but we aren't. The present we know is only a movie of the past and we will really never be able to control the present through ordinary means.
--Tom Wolfe
from The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
time for foot medicine
foot medicine time
Occupy Powell Memorial
the Frito Bandito
fool in a pool
adoration of the obelisk

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