A Soundless Echo

There is silence after a rainstorm, and before a rainstorm, and these are not the same. There is the silence of emptiness, the silence of fear, the silence of doubt. There is a certain silence that can emanate from a lifeless object as from a chair lately used, or from a piano with old dust upon its keys, or from anything that has answered to the need of a man, for pleasure or for work. This kind of silence can speak. Its voice may be melancholy, but it is not always so; for the chair may have been left by a laughing child or the last notes of the piano may have been raucous and gay. Whatever the mood or the circumstance, the essence of its quality may linger in the silence that follows. It is a soundless echo.
--Beryl Markham
from West with the Night
animated stereograph from Sentinel Point (1906)
photograph by John K. Hillers of Frederick Dellenbaugh (1871)
pilgrims outside Ruby Canyon
Hermit Canyon with daredevil
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