American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Know That This Must Have Some Deeper Meaning

wrapping one
above Hermit Basin

Slate Creek

cactus group
with river view

I made my home amidst this human bustle,
Yet I hear no clamor from the carts and horses.
My friend, you ask me how this can be so?
A distant heart will tend towards like places.
From the eastern hedge, I pluck chrysanthemum flowers,
And idly look towards the southern hills.
The mountain air is beautiful day and night,
The birds fly back to roost with one another.
I know that this must have some deeper meaning,
I try to explain, but cannot find the words.
--Tao Yuanming
("Drinking Wine")

lazuli bunting
black-throated gray warbler
juniper titmouse
ruddy duck

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