And Treasure Borne On All The Winds

Se tout le ciel estoit de feuilles d'or,
Et li airs fust estellés d'argent fin,
Et tous les vens fussent pleins de tresor,
Et les gouttes fussent toutes florin
D'eaue de mer, et pleust soir et matin
Richesses, biens, honeurs, joiaux, argent,
Tant que rempli en fust toute la gent,
La terre aussi en fust mouillee toute,
Et fusse nu, – de tel pluie et tel vent
Ja sur mon cors n'en cherroit une goutte.*
--Eustache Deschamps (1346-1406)
* If all the sky was made of gold leaf,
And the air was starred with fine silver,
And treasure borne on all the winds,
And every drop of sea-water was a florin,
And it rained down, morning and evening,
Riches, goods, honors, jewels, money,
Till all the people were filled with it,
And I stood there naked in such rain and wind,
Never a drop of it would fall on me.
Sockdolager Rapid and beyond (top)
cottonwoods in Haunted Canyon (middle)
above Hance Creek (below)
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