American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

To Rescue Bleakness From The Bleak

I speak cold silent words a stone might speak
If it had words or consciousness,
Watching December moonlight on the mountain peak,
Relieved of mortal hungers, the whole mess
Of needs, desires, ambitions, wishes, hopes.
This stillness in me knows the sky's abyss,
Reflected by blank snow along bare slopes,
If it had words or consciousness,
Would echo what a thinking stone might say
To praise oblivion words can't possess
As inorganic muteness goes its way.
There's no serenity without the thought serene,
Owl-flight without spread wings, honed eyes, hooked beak,
Abscence without the meaning abscence means.
To rescue bleakness from the bleak,
I speak cold silent words a stone might speak.

--Robert Pack ("Stone Thoughts")

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