Let Me Dance Among The Stars

where i waved at the sky and waited your love through a february sleep, i saw birds swinging in, watched them multiply into a tree, weaving on a branch, cradling a keep in the arms of april sprung from the south to occupy this slow lap of land, like cogs from some balance wheel.
i saw them build the air with that motion that birds feel.
where i wave at the sky and understand love, knowing our august heat, i see birds pulling past the dim frosted thigh of autumn, unlatching from the nest, and wing-beat for the south, making their high dots across the sky, like beauty spots marking a still perfect cheek.
i see them bend the air, slipping away, for what birds seek.
--anne sexton ("the balance wheel")
sunset at "Sell Us Beer" Beach (top)
sunrise outside Cremation Canyon (middle)
rainbow with Cope Butte foreground (below)
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