American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Apparition Of Forms As Definite And Eloquent As Those Of Art

Very wonderful at times is the sculpture of these majestic walls. There is an architechtural style about it which must be seen to be appreciated. The resemblances to architecture are not fanciful or metaphorical but are real and vivid; so much so that the unaccustomed tourist often feels a vague skepticism whether these are truly the works of the blind forces of nature or of some intelligence akin to the human but far mightier; and even the experienced explorer is sometimes brought to a sudden halt and filled with amazement by the apparition of forms as definite and eloquent as those of art. Each geological formation exhibits in its cliffs a distinct style of architecture which is not reproduced among the cliffs of other formations, and these several styles differ as much as those which are cultivated by different races of men.
--Clarence Dutton

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