American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Thursday, September 21, 2006

It Flows On And On, And Merely Fills Up All The Places Through Which It Flows

Through repetition of danger we grow accustomed to it. Water sets the example for the right conduct under such circumstances. It flows on and on, and merely fills up all the places through which it flows. It does not shrink from any dangerous spot nor from any plunge, and nothing can make it lose its essential nature. It remains true to itself under all conditions. Thus likewise, if one is sincere when confronted with difficulties, the heart can penetrate the meaning of the situation. And once we have gained inner mastery of a problem, it will come about naturally that the action we take will succeed. In danger all that counts is really carrying out all that has to be done--thoroughness--and going forward, in order not to perish through tarrying in the danger.
--I Ching (from "Hexagram 29")

ravens above Hance Rapids (top)

Hance Rapids (below)

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