Five From The Five--O--Five

The Five--O--Five was a trek into record heats and great beyonds with true friends. May, 2005. South Bass lowroad heading for Conquistador Aisle and back. 121 degrees melted the bottoms of my boots right off. We begged beer, wheedled duct-tape and shoo-goo from intrepid passing rafters at Elves Chasm, lashed those e-bay bargains back together in a foot medicine fashion and staggered beautifully back from whence we'd come, which was the far edge of as far west as I have ever been before, again. Sigh.
"A man's reach should exceed his grasp."
--Winston Churchill
Ms. Kate's portrait of The Moose,
Elves Chasm (top)
between Copper and Garnet Canyons (second)
looking east from Havasupai Point (middle)
blooming esplanade yucca (fourth)
Royal Arch Creek reflections (below)
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