American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day, Darlin'

This is a bunch of people I used to go walking with. (long pause) That's me on the left. (even longer pause) On the right is the woman that I almost married, Audrey. (very long pause, speaker looks at shoes for what seems like a lifetime) Which goes to show that danger lurks where you least expect it.
--Don Whillans, commenting on a slide showing a group of smiling hikers


Kinswoman companion through canyons and chaos
And lover forever, though kismet betray'd us
The forces that fix us to our futures and fates
How mixed they are with our choices of mates
Life, the church of change and chance
Enabled me awhile to capture your glance
Enraptured me once in a dream lasting years
No tears when the rainbow disappears

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