American Idyll

yes, the river knows

Monday, February 27, 2012

Magic Fire Music

Wagner: Wotan's Farewell

Wagner: Magic Fire Music

Wagner: Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla

Well, basically there are two sorts of opera, said Nanny, who also had the true witch's ability to be confidently expert on the basis of no experience whatsoever. There's your heavy opera, where basically people sing foreign and it goes like "Oh oh oh, I am dyin', oh I am dyin', oh oh oh, that's what I'm doing", and there's your light opera, where they sing in foreign and it basically goes "Beer! Beer! Beer! Beer! I like to drink lots of beer!", although sometimes they drink champagne instead. That's basically all of opera.
--Terry Pratchett
Wotans Throne, Freya Castle and Vishnu Temple
sunset on the sage
Hance Rapid
Tower of Ra from Boucher Canyon

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